Special Sessions

SS 6. HRA Status and Research Issues: Where are We and Where are We Heading?
Date Oct. 5 (Wed)
Time 13:00-17:30
Venue Grand Hall 1 (B1)
Organizers Jinkyun PARK (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)
Vinh DANG (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
The special workshop is organized by the PSAM 13 (Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management) in conjunction with Asia chapter of HRA (Human Reliability Analysis) society. The title of this special workshop is ‘HRA status and research issues: where are we and where are we heading?’ and its purpose is to initiate a human network on HRA community especially in Asia through sharing the current status of HRA and the associated issues. This special workshop will be held from 13:30 to 17:20 on October 5, 2016 in Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea, which is the same venue of the PSAM 13. To this end, seven presentations which will discuss HRA researches and the associated applications being studied in the ve countries will be given.
Human Reliability Analysis Method Development in the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission James CHANG (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
Approaches and Application of Human Reliability Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants of China Xiufeng TIAN (CNNC China Nuclear Power Eng. Co., China)
KAERI’s Research Activities on HRA Wondea JUNG (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)
Corrective Action Program Insights for HRA Pamela NELSON (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico)
NRRC HRA Upgrading, and Research Plan of HRA Method Development for Extreme Condition Yukihiro KIRIMOTO (Nuclear Risk Reserch Center, Japan)
Human Reliability Analysis for Digitized Nuclear Power Plants: Case Study on LingAo II Yanhua ZOU (Hunan Institute of Technology, China)
Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER):A Framework for Computation-based Human Reliability Analysis Ronald BORING (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)

OverviewOverview Overview